E: info@ParamountWorkforceTraining.co.uk
M: 07448 834 834


We Currently Offer:

O-Licence Consultation:Even if it's a new one or an existing O-Licence Application or looking for a Transport Manager, we are here to advise you at every step of the process. With very low cost consultation we provide step by step guidance that an operator would need.

Custom Made Courses: Training and Development of individuals is necessary throughout their professional and social life. Its getting challenging to find the time to enhance their skills. In these demanding times we review our clients operations and integrate a custom made course that is required. This saves any downtime or lost man-hours.

DVSA Compliance Audit: Be compliant. Be Paramount. Our DVSA compliance audits assist you to be on the right side of the law. If Traffic Commissioner has asked for a complaince audit, we carry out audit and with shortfalls/recommendations. Whatever the issue is come talk to us and we will do everything we can.

Pre FORS Audit: Transport for London has taken a step to take fleet operators to the next level and has introduced Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS). We have prepared our team to prepare for you and your company for an audit that rewards you the Bronze, Silver or Gold level FORS accreditation from Transport for London.